Food & Nutrition/Hospitality and Catering/Health and Social lessons, knowledge organisers. Love planning lessons and creating resources!
My partner is a history teacher so also History and Citizenship resources: Lessons, knowledge organisers
Food & Nutrition/Hospitality and Catering/Health and Social lessons, knowledge organisers. Love planning lessons and creating resources!
My partner is a history teacher so also History and Citizenship resources: Lessons, knowledge organisers
In the process of creating for all assessment criterias!
Knowledge organiser/revision mats with key points on one page. Key terms section
LO4 - split into 2 A4 sheets
Page 1 - Causes of ill health
Page 2 - Legislation & the EHO
Cut out cards with statements about each section of the Eatwell Guide such as ‘this group is high in calcium’, ‘wholemeal or wholegrain options should be chosen from this group’
Students place the cards in the correct group - can be done in groups
Key stage 3 - longer, full lesson activity
Key stage 4 - revision activity
Could be used for PSHE healthy eating task
Lesson (this went over 2 lessons) - identify the type of service by the photo - students then act out or draw each type of service using the information cards - they then create their own top trumps cards using the templates, discussing the features of different types of service - exam question at the end.
Information cards are small colourful cards with a photo of each type of service and description on one side and then an example, advantages and disadvantages on the back
Top trump card templates - with common criteria (i.e. speed of service, number of staff etc) for students to discuss
Lesson plan also included
Smart & Modern Materials Olympics design task lesson and resources - 2 lessons - Design & Technology
Powerpoint for 2 lessons with starter, mains and plenaries.
-15 Colourful smart /modern/composite materials info cards with properties and images
5 Sports info cards with ‘design considerations’ for each
Differentiated, GCSE exam questions and self assessment of progress throughout.
Students given a scenario where Team GB employ them to design new products for Olympics
Students have 5 sports to choose from with information cards for each giving 'design considerations’
They then are given a pack of cards with Smart materials, Modern materials & Compostite materials, with their properties and possible uses.
Students then decide which materials are suitable for their design considerations. (the materials are designed to be linked to the considerations)
In the next lesson the students design their new products, get peer feedback or I have sometimes said Team GB ‘do not like’ their first design to discuss design fixation
They they redesign
Alongside all of this there is a learning mat with an olympic style ‘bronze, silver and gold’ progress tracker linked to BLooms & objectives and a range of GCSE questions, also differentiated.
Multicultural foods lesson x 2 1 hour lessons
Starter, main, plenary, LOs and sheets
Starter 1 - food hygiene mystery - recap on food hygiene
Starter 2 - name the meal and which country it comes from
Main - Analyse different menus from different cultures (need to just print off some menus but cannot upload these for copyright)
Complete 2 sheets over 2 lessons
1 - nutrition of specific meals from cultures
2 - nutrition of different cuisines - i.e. eating patterns, main staples, how well it fits EWG
x2 plenaries to summarise knowledge
Unit of work for introduction to Food Hygiene. Powerpoint for each lesson, booklet to go with powerpoints, ingredient listsand student friendly methods for practicals. All fit 1 hour lessons.
Lesson 1 - Theory - Introduction and preparing for a practical
Lesson 2 - Healthy and safety passport
Lesson 3 - Practical - knife skills - apple
Lesson 4 - Theory - Weighing, measuring, using the oven
Lesson 5 - Practical - fruit crumble
Lesson 6 - Practical - fruit muffins
Lesson 7 - Theory - food hygiene 1
Lesson 8 - Theory - food hygiene 2
Lesson 9 - Practical - chicken goujons (usually in between 2 food hygiene lessons)
Lesson 10 - Theory - Seasonality & FOod Miles 1
Lesson 11 - Practical - Bolognese or Chilli
Lesson 12 - Theory - Seasonality & Food Miles 2
Knowledge organiser/revision mats with key points & key words on one page
LO1 - split into two knowledge organisers
LO2 - one knowledge organiser
LO3 - one knowlegge organiser
LO4 - split into two knowledge organisers
LO5 - one knowledge organiser (in the process of finishing second page for types of audience if you leave your email address i
Used for revision mat for GCSE and KS3 students.
Colourful knowledge organiser.
Contains key information, key words with definitions, possible exam questions and links to useful websites (QR codes and links)
Knowledge Organiser for Food.
7 pages
1- Food hygiene
4-Diet and good health/Eatwell Guide
5-Energy requirements & special diets
6-Heat transfer & cooking methods
7- Functions of Ingredients & Faults in Cooking
Used for revision mat for GCSE and KS3 students.
Contains key information, key words with definitions, possible exam questions and links to useful websites (QR codes and links)